Worship With Us
Weekly Worship Online and In Person!
We'd love to worship with you! Please join Rev. Lauren and a welcoming congregation for our weekly worship service every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. MDT. Use the buttons below to join with Zoom - you're welcome to pop in at any time during the service. The order of service is also available, as is Nativity's YouTube channel with all our video content. (Every 5th Sunday is usually Morning Prayer as noted on the Calendar of Events. Unfortunately, at this time we do not offer Zoom worship on those days.)
Paws for a Blessing: Meets on the 1st Sunday of every month at 5 PM. Bring your well-behaved companion animal(s) and join Chris and Lynnda for this monthly celebration of the bond between animals and humans. If your animal doesn't travel well, feel free to bring a photo to share. Paws for a Blessing meets outdoors when the weather permits and in the sanctuary when necessary. Everyone is welcome, in-person only.
SPIRITUAL UNIVERSITY FALL 2024: The (dis)Obedient christ
Did Jesus always obey? Nope. Let’s talk.
This year, starting August 22 and running through September 26, Spiritual University’s rebellious little sibling, Deconstruct U*, returns all fired up to take the podium(back!). This fall, we will spend six weeks engaging with German, Lutheran, Liberation theologian and Scholar, Dorothee Sölle, to examine the very disobedient life of Christ and how this impacts Christian faith and praxis in the world coram Deo and coram hominibus (before God and before the neighbor).
We will engage six essays from Sölle’s work, Creative Disobedience, and we will gather a more robust understanding of what obedience is and isn’t, how traditional conceptions of disobedience have caused layers of individual and communal trauma, how Jesus disrupted the kingdom of humanity and its created orders to bear into the world the new life of the reign of God, and dare to embrace our call to live lives that reflect this disobedience life of Christ to the glory of God and the wellbeing of our neighbor. In other words, we will see how “disobedience” is now no longer a “four-letter-word” but a vibrant and necessary aspect of Christian being in the socio-political world, bringing God honor and praise! So, come for a conversation that’s a bit more disobedient than normal. Join us on Thursdays evenings from 6:00- 7:30 pm from August 22 to September 26 at Nativity, it’s where you belong; yes, even U.
*Deconstruct U is an intentional 3rd space where we can bring our tough existential questions, be honest about our personal and
spiritual deconstruction, and enter into edifying and affirming conversations. The goal of Deconstruct U is to provide this space for
people who are losing their religion, who have lost their religion, who are questioning their religion, and people who find themselves lost in a sea of socio-political (mis)information.