Resources, Beliefs and more...

Like Christians everywhere, we believe in Jesus Christ, as expressed in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. We believe in the Holy Scriptures, understood through reason and tradition. We believe the Sacraments, including Baptism and Holy Communion, are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace. These beliefs are held in common by Episcopalians, but the Church also values intellectual freedom and individual conscience in matters of faith.

Our worship services are liturgical, which means they follow a set pattern of prayers, readings, and responses. We actively participate with these prayers and responses. You may notice people might sit, stand, or kneel at different times, but you are invited to do what is comfortable for you. Most services will include the Eucharist and Church of the Nativity practices open communion. We periodically observe a lay-led Morning Prayer service. For more information about the Episcopal Church and more, please visit the various links below:

Episcopal Links:

The Episcopal Church USA

The Episcopal Church in Colorado

The Book of Common Prayer

Hymnal of the Episcopal Church

Episcopal Relief & Development – Healing a hurting world

Anglican Communion

Scripture Resources:

Daily Office Lectionary – Appointed readings for each day

Eucharistic Lectionary – Appointed readings for Sundays and Feast days

Bible Gateway – various searchable translations

Pronunciation Guide for Biblical Words

Daily Prayer – A Resource of Forward Movement